The Cleric Guild is the best guild in Nanvaent. It suits all styles of play. You can go out killing and maiming on your own. With the charm of holding you can cause trouble and strife as a player killer. If you like teaming Clerics are easily the most fun and helpful guild to play, and if you are a bit of a pacifist, the cleric guild is the only guild that allows to get decent xp without killing anything. I am Oasic, a former Cleric Guildmaster, and I hope you will find this guide useful. If you have any queries about clerics or this guide, please nanmail me your questions and comments! The guide is split into 3 sections. 1) Information for newbies: This is only for information and completeness, and if you are a genuine newbie it probably won't make much sense so I'll explain things to you while playing the game... 2) Prayers: Pray to the gods for help in your adventures! Section 2 goes through all the prayers and guild titles. 3) All other information e.g. stats, races, shrines, strategies, advancing etc.
for Newbies
and Guild Titles
to this page since 27/11/01. Ó
Matt Wright Last updated 29/11/04.