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* Nanvaent help directory: Fundraiser.1998

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fundraiser                   Nanvaent Information

Thank You for you help in making the Nanvaent Fund Raiser a resounding

On April 15th 1998 Nanvaent moved to a new machine bought from donations
made by creators and players. This machine is physically located at Easynet
HQ in London, the first time the game has been out of Scotland. Thanks go
to Chrisy for organising this side of things.

The machine itself is a Pentium II - 266Mhz (Single processor on dual
processor motherboard), 128Mb RAM, 4Gb IDE Boot + System hard drive,
4Gb Ultra-Wide SCSI Data hard drive.

Please keep the money coming in if you have not already donated. Extra
money will go towards an upgrade to this machine and any maintenance
needed. The money may also be used to fund other Nanvaent projects, such as

A number of people sent in donations, most of them however came from the
collection made at the Nottingham party in February '98. We would all like
to thank the following people for their donations, all of which we are
eternally grateful. 

       Bill - Bill McMillan                 Aragorn - Olav Kolbu
       Burty - Martin Tyler                 Chrisy - Chris Luke
       Gandalf - Martin Wright              Nirvan - Gordon McGregor
       Alric - Colin Wan                    Amaranth - Magnus Hird
       Amos - Steve Davies                  Blurble - Marcus
       Gurgi - Ian MacIntyre                Herman - Paul Hirst
       Papaya - Anne Hempel                 Talen - Colin Keith
       Askii - Andrew Kennedy               Axel - Ken Fenn
       Bayard - Henri Yandell               Bob - Louise Screen
       Dolph - Chris Dakin                  Elastica - Rich Hine
       Elfie - Ruth                         Foxer - Leonard Stanway
       Haydon - Den Walker                  Kale - Stuart Hickton
       Lep - LEP                            Oblivion - Bob Messenger
       Queen - Nadia El Malki               Syndre - G. Amaris Price
       Rackman - Ash                        Ranguard - Leo Lapworth
       Valkyrie - Dewi Rees                 Zytron - Bill Hau
       Adonis                               Alacar - Paul Senior
       Andyyy - Andrew                      Berserkii - Rog Downing
       Deric - Chris McDeed                 Diethyl - Mike
       Elytra - Liz Brown                   Emjay - Marie Jenks
       Glade - Glade Leigh                  Goldilocks - Claire Fowler
       Hilda - Alex Bailes                  Jase
       Magius - Javier                      Moswen - Marta Kowalska
       Pluisje - Erica van Nieuwkoop        Ponnicker - Kev Field
       Restorer - Nick Cartwright           Scary - Paul Howard
       Shark - Paul                         Silver - Matt
       Subway - Kev                         Tepic - Carl Perry
       Tharg - Jamie Ellison                Tubbs - Mike Woodward-Gregg
       Tyr - Kev                            Wildkarde - Mike Wells

If you donated and are not on this list, mail me (Burty).

                           The Management
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