Emjays Logo

Whizzy stripe!

Marie Jenks

June 1975

Coventry, UK

Click here to contact me


MS Messenger:
Click here to contact me

Here you have a picture of me. Okay - maybe I was a little younger there...
Young Picture.

My charcters on Nanvaent are:

  • Emjay (Knight) - My initials (think about it!)
  • Bigwig (Cleric) - A tough rabbit from Watership Down.
  • Strawberry (Wizard) - No idea why I chose this name!
  • Seuhx (Bard) - No logical name, used to be my email address at University.
  • Little (Thief) - Nice prefix for Little Miss names.

I used to be found on the Dutch mud Eodon where I am a creator for some unknown reason. I took it upon myself to code some of the emotes there, why not take a look around? (that's if you can get the link to work!!!)

Okay. So you want to see an up-to-date picture of me. Well here we go. Are you sure you're ready for this?

Photo of me!

Whizzy stripe!

If you're really desperate to know more about me then have a look at my own website.