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* Nanvaent people: Gods

At the top of every chain of command there has to be a ..umm..err.. top, yeah, that's it. And that's exactly what we are, The ManagementTM. It's a dirty job but somebody's got to do it. It's fun, it's boring, it's relaxing, it's aggrevating, it''s...running Nan. You get the picture.

We are seldom seen, to the point where some players have never seen us logged in at all. Rest asure that we put in a serious amount of hours, but since time is in short supply we hide most of the time just to get the job done.

What we do? We take care of the actual machine. Hm, hang on, Chrisy does that. Well, we do all the work on the web site. Hm, no, Burty & Tea does the tagging around here. Lots of low level mudlib coding then? Nope, largely Andrew and Burty. Tricky stuff like coding and balancing guilds and races? Naa, Spoo is your man there. Just hang around? Not that either, Nirvan covers that. So what is it we do? Ah yes, we make sure all these people manage to work together and we also have the final say in anything and everything. On top of that we try to enhance Nan in every way we can, whenever we have the time. Not a job for the faint of heart.

Who we are? Oh yeah, Bill & !Aragorn. But you knew that already, didn't you?

Andrew Aragorn
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