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Coast Lords
Belhelvie Amos

Coast Creators
Arthur Tatianna Ulrik Alanya Elastica Kudde Tamsin Hitchhiker

* Ntogo Island Ntogo Island

Location: Eastern Ocean

Known Information:
Situated in the south seas off the eastern coast of Nanvaent, Ntogo isle is a beatiful tropical wilderness. From the crystal clear ocean to the golden sands off the bay, there a few places in the land that come so close to paradise.

However, there seems to be more to the island than meets the eye. For example, what dark secrets does the village elder hold, and why is the chief of his tribe so troubled? And what is the significance of the magnificent dolphin statue that the natives hold in such high regard? And behind the tranquility of the beach, there lies the dark and intimidating jungle which contains all manner of exotic flora and fauna.

The island can be reached by boat, currently from the harbours of the city of Shamaroth, and the town of Darac on Dragonblood Isle.
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