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North Lords

North Creators
Tatianna Tamsin Grommet Kudde

* The Northern Plains

A map of the North domain is available.

The Northern Plains The Northern Plains
The Northern Plains stretch out from the Central Mountains to the northern coastline.


At the western end of the plain lies the city of Alexandria, not to be confused with one in Egypt, with its immense harbour and its many ships that sail to distant lands.


Cidri and the Great Crater Cidri and the Great Crater
At the eastern end of the plain lies the Great Crater. It was formed many Aeons ago when Nanvaent was young, during the wars between the Wizards and the Gods. The Crater was formed when one of the younger Gods left the iron on and it burnt a hole in the proverbial carpet, all but wiping out the highly advanced civilization that was living there.
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