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![]() Population: Founded by humans, now manned by humans. Location: In the Oldworld, just beyond the Great Chasm. Caretaker: Haydon Known Information: Millennia ago, when Nanvaent was at peace, a race known as humans began to populate the land. They were fruitful and multiplied, following some internal instinct unknown to them, an instinct compelling them to form communities. These communities grew into mighty empires and vast republics, whose glory is all but forgotten today. The Evil One, N'thydarak, viewed these realms with jealousy. Unable to create with such beauty, He watched what others had made, and plotted destruction in his heart. N'thydarak waited, awaiting His opportunity plotting long and hard, scheming for centuries. Then, ever so slowly, He put his evil designs into motion. Years without count passed as His plans matured, but N'thydarak was patient and waited. And so it was that a time of war was unleashed, empire against republic, human against human, war without respite or quarter. This pestilence of destruction and despair spread, afflicting the other races, on and on, spreading unchecked. Within but a few short years, the land of Nanvaent was ablaze with fury and death. The Good One, Aslonnadh, viewed the destruction of His work and wept. He saw his gift of life being undone, spilt freely and without care across the land. So, in consequence, He too began to plot. Aslonnadh summoned forth some of the greatest of the humans, and bade them form an army of peace. He instilled purpose in them, and blessed them as his children. Thus was born the Protectors of Aslonnadh. The Protectors marched forth, fighting hard, yet showing mercy. Steadfast they were against evil, slowly pushing back the pestilence, until the great fire of war was contained and then extinguished. So, there came a time of peace. The Protectors built vast castles, and their wisdom ensured tranquility. Aslonnadh blessed the land, and made it anew, breathing fresh life into the world. But, the evil N'thydarak was furious, his black rage without measure. He summoned forth his minions, and unleashed a great legion upon Nanvaent. Thus, it came about that the Protectors of Aslonnadh and the legions of N'thydarak met on the Northern Plains. N'thydarak took the day, crushing the Protectors. Thus began the great sack of the Protector's fortresses. The slaughter continued until the evil forces of N'thydarak crashed like a wave against the vaunted Bastion of Kerak. And were checked. The legion of N'thydarak was destroyed, but the power of the Protectors was broken forever. Only a few now remain at Kerak, guardians of the past, waiting to rise again and sweep evil from the land of Nanvaent. |
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