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![]() The lands later known as the Oldworld were first discovered by Slann explorers searching for a new home after the destruction of their domain in the north. Finding the lands bountiful, they settled on a stretch of land skirting the sea. As ages passed, the time of the Slann receded. The race of the High Elves, fleeing their ancient home in the wake of the Apotheosis Wars moved in in force and became the major power in the land. However, it is said that even as the glory of the Slann glory declined, they maintained strong influence amongst old loyal servants and their descendants. Securing swiftly their control of the land, the High Elves moved to forge new alliances, their lean ships plying trade across the ocean. Strong ties were swiftly established with the great city of Alexandria, followed by an exchange of envoys with Shamaroth and the nearby islands. Great riches poured into the domain of the Elves, and they were the envy of many a nation. Trouble stirred anew as the scouts of the Elven armies discovered Goblins moving in the Eastern woods. Hostilities commenced, and frequent Goblin raids were made on Elven land and possessions. The ensuing response of the Elven armies and the expansion eastwards could not remain unnoticed by Minotaur, Orc and Hamakei tribes residing in the northern mountains. Bestirred by fear and envy, they averred the Elven momentum was a threat to their lands. Skirmishes became commonplace. The Elves eventually drove the Goblins back into the depths of the woods. However, the situation was not resolved. Although beaten back by hunting parties, the Goblins were still capable of mischief. Railing swiftly after the hunts stopped, Goblin numbers swelled once again. It is said they once again grow bold, venturing out of the woods to attack unwary travellers. With agreement reached with the northern races, the borders of Elven influence were settled, and since then raids on Elven wagons and homes virtually stopped. However, with the death of the Minotaur leader, his son, brash and fiery in his youth, renewed claim on the plains. Violent contacts with the patrols of the northern races have been reported. Whilst these great events were unfolding, and despite the unrest and turbulence plaguing the Elven folk the eastern expansion continued apace, reaching the edge of the edge of the Western Desert. The land was barren, yet the hearts of the Elves were glad as they made their first, initially friendly, contact with another race. The desert nomads -for it was they- had been migrating slowly westwards across the sands of the Western Desert, and it seemed that both cultures had reached this area within weeks of each other. Both laid claim to the more fertile land adjacent to the desert's edge. No agreement could be reached, both claiming ownership of the land. A bitter war erupted claiming many brave warriors on both sides. Towards what became the end of the conflict, the Elves entreated the remaining Slann, now withdrawn to their deep refuges, for help. The Slann harkened to the Elven pleas, and their great magic and witchery was wrought. Great indeed was the power of the Slann, and at their summoning a huge demon came forth to do battle with the desert cohorts. The bowels of the earth opened and fire belched forth from a great chasm. The demon routed the nomad folk, driving them to the south where some settled to create the foundations of the city later to become known as Zavier. After the final battle the demon disappeared and ever since there have been stories and rumours about where it went, the most popular of which had it flying northwards into the mountains, whether by command of the Slann or on its own hellish whim it is not known. Many adventuring parties have ventured up into the cold passes in search of it. None have returned. At this time, a hold military order known as the Protectors of Aslonnadh built a huge fortress on the edge of the Elven lands, a bastion known as Kerak. As the fog of war cleared, there was revealed a scar on the face of the land. A deep chasm had been cleaved into the crust, at the bottom of which could be seen the innards of the land itself. Many feared this place, deeming it possessed by evil. Most of the Elves retreated to lands closer to their coastal Heartlands. However, some stayed to oversee the half-giant guards brought to guard the rock bridge, formed from splashes of lava flicked off the demon's tail as it rose from the depths of the earth. This bridge is the only known crossing point from the fertile lands to the desert's edge, and as such is of incredible significance, both tradewise and strategically. But if another invasion of the Elven lands were attempted by the desert peoples, the giants would cross and fight to the death to defend it, whilst the remaining Elven guard, it is said, would set alight the fuses on the destructive devices the Slann leaders left attached to the bridge in case of such an event. Currently, the Oldworld knows peace. Even so, the everlasting threat from the raiders from the mountains, and the increasing Goblin presence mean an uncertain future for the Elves. |
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