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Useful info

Races/guild compatibility chart
Past guildmasters
A note about Elections
Further guild info
* Forester commands: gaze

The gaze command allows you to peer into adjacent rooms. It depends on your skill in "other.evaluating" and if you are skillful enough you may be able to determine where the exits lead, or which other players, monsters or items are there. You can't gaze through doorways or hidden exits, nor through certain special exits that you will find.

Usage: gaze <direction>
> gaze north
Skills used: other.evaluating
Minimum level: 15 in other.evaluating
Cost: 50 guild points

Abandon Practice
Build Pray
Bundle Prayers
Call Recite
Chop Release
Creep Rest
Fire Sanctify
Forge Sneak
Gather Thump
Gaze Torch
Hide Wood
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