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* Creator application form

Make sure you have read the relevant FAQ entry, "How do I become a Creator?", before you apply!
  • All information entered on this form will be considered confidential, and will only be seen by Lords and above.
  • Submitting phony applications will not get you anywhere,and the chances of us finding out who you are are significant...
  • Applications will normally only be considered for people of level 90 or above. However, this rule can be bent severely, if given sufficient reason. Typical reasons include experience and/or skills that we require.
Really New and improved - take note As the old rule of suiciding all other chars and not touching the game while you were a TC didn't really work out, we're trying something new. It turned out that it was too much of a shock actually having to learn/work all the time instead of running around chatting with your mates, so now we're allowing a bit of both worlds.
General rules:
  • Apply with the character you want promoted. This must be the character you are best known as, within reason. Note the "best known as", i.e. not neccessarily the one with the highest level. If you think this is too much of a sacrifice, then imagine the cres going before you who had to delete all their chars in the process...
  • As an immortal, you are expected to play the game to keep up with how life is as a player.
  • You do not have to register your player characters, only the ones that you interact with as a creator, i.e. the test characters you give equipment, levels, stuff etc to test something out. These test characters should then NOT interact with the game other than for specific testing purposes (and no PK/PS).
  • General rules apply, only one character at the time logged in, and your immortal char counts as one. Test chars does not count, you can have a dozen of these logged in if you need to. As a vaguely borderline case, you are allowed to have a player char chatting in nanc while also logged in as an immortal. This char should not gain xp or provide services.
  • PK/PS
 Personal details
Player name: *
Character's password: *
Real name: *
Valid email: *
City/Country: *
Gender: *
Male Female
Birth date, incl. Year (yymmdd): *
Year you started
playing muds:
Year you started
playing Nanvaent:
Other Nan characters
and guilds played
to level 60++:
Other muds you are a creator on: *
Ballpark estimate on
available hours per week for Nan:
Homepage: *
Just type in a brief description of your educational background and/or job experience, weighted towards issues that might be relevant for helping out on Nanvaent (english litt., programming, gfx artist, etc).
 Programming Experience
A list of programming languages, proficiency in them and any fields within programming you like better than others.
 Other Relevant Experience
Anything that is relevant to being a creator on a mud. E.g., have you ever been a DM? Played/designed/run any RPG? Read a lot of relevant books? Played a LOT of muds?
 Wish list
Your turn to tell us what you really want to be working on to help better Nanvaent. Note that "joining the North domain" is okay as an answer, but we really would like you to tell us a bit more. Note also that we have other positions available for people that do not want to build areas. Among others, we need people who can write good descriptions, people who can redo old areas, people who can do area design, people who can do documentation, Java, web pages, graphics, etc etc. Guilds is typically not an option for new creators, but something you get asked to join if found suitable.
 Additional information
This is where you get to type in all the additional information that you think might help you land a trial creatorship. Go for it!
Most people have their own shortlist of problems that if fixed/improved/added would make Nanvaent a much better mud. Generally, the issues are fairly minor and require little work to improve vastly. Typically however, we higherups have been staring at the same things so long that we're partially blind to such problems. Not to mention partially out of the loop when it comes to recent player-issues. Creator applicants are typically in the absolute perfect position for doing such a list. Don't be shy, we know there are problems and we just need to know the best places to start improving them. Better documentation? Better newbie help? Friendlier creators? Clans? Better web pages? Better area description (which area?)? Smarter monsters? Easier quests? Please give us your list, short or long.
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