The Oldworld
Welcome to the Oldworld, the forgotten realm beyond the great chasm. Accessible only by a single bridge, this land is steeped in history, tales of lost heroes and and rumours of ancient races. Dare you cross its borders and explore the unknown?
The Great Chasm This gaping canyon marks the edge of the Oldworld. From its eastern edge, you can just make out what lies beyond.... |

The Bastion of Kerak This mighty fortress was built in a time of peace, to guard against the return of war. Its occupants are known only as the Protectors of Aslonnadh... |

The Woods The Oldworld is covered by vast expanses of forest. Are you brave enough to travel within them? |

Takirne These ruins stand on the edge of the Oldworld. Legends connected to this land speak of a mighty hero of yesteryear. |