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Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Action: Empty
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commands/action/empty Nanvaent Player Help
empty - empty liquid from a container to somewhere else
empty <container> [ [ { over | into | onto | in | on } ] <target> ]
pour <container> [ [ { over | into | onto | in | on } ] <target> ]
splash <container> [ [ { over | into | onto | in | on } ] <target> ]
You use "empty", "splash" or "pour" to get rid of all the liquid (most
likely water) in a jug, bucket, etc., that you are carrying in one
container and either put some in another container or pour it into the
ground. You can also make something or someone wet by splashing them.
> examine bucket
A medium copper bucket. It's going a bit green. Full to the brim with
> empty bucket
You empty the medium bucket.
The water trickles harmlessly onto the ground.
> splash large bucket onto usurper
You splash the large bucket onto Usurper.
The water trickles harmlessly onto the ground.
> ex buckets
You look at a large bucket and a medium bucket.
A large steel bucket. It's not very shiny. It appears empty.
A medium copper bucket. It's going a bit green. It appears empty.
> fill large bucket
You fill the large bucket.
> pour large bucket into medium bucket
You pour the large bucket into the medium bucket.
> ex buckets
You look at a large bucket and a medium bucket.
A large steel bucket. It's not very shiny. Three eighths full of
A medium copper bucket. It's going a bit green. Full to the brim with
clean, fill, give, inventory, put, syntax