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Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Comment: Idea
Please email any further questions to help@nanvaent.org. You may also wish to have a look at the FAQ.
commands/comment/idea Nanvaent Player Help
idea - record your ideas for improvements
idea <text>
Often a location or object can be improved in some manner and while
you are wandering around you will inevitably think of something that
you want to see acted upon.
When inspiration strikes, you can use your "idea" ability to record
your genius. The immortal that is responsible for the location that
you are standing in (and the objects that originate there) can then
examine your thoughts and take the appropriate action.
If you wish to suggest an idea that applies to the whole of Nanvaent,
suggest it to one of the many Guildmasters and ask them to talk to the
immortals on your behalf.
> idea Could do with a way to distinguish young and old dragons here.
Idea logged.
bug, guildlog, guildmaster, helplog, immortals, questlog, soullog,