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* Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Information: Cwho

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commands/information/cwho    Nanvaent Player Help

     cwho - who is listening to a channel

     cwho <channel>[@mud]

     "cwho" allows you to see who is listening to a certain channel. The
     "cwho <channel>" format works exactly the same as just "<channel>" by
     itself, as shown in the example.

     Don't think that just because someone isn't shown by "cwho" that they
     can't read a channel. They can use "chistory" to read the history for
     a channel, and immortals who you can't see aren't shown on the list.

     Only a few people are able to use the @mud format, so don't be
     surprised if it doesn't work for you.

     > cwho chat
     List of people listening to the [CHAT] channel:
     Atheist           Elytra           Gimp             Usurper
     Beast             Emjay            Incanter
     Cruncher          Fireclaw         Kieran

     > chat
     List of people listening to the [CHAT] channel:
     Atheist           Elytra           Gimp             Usurper
     Beast             Emjay            Incanter
     Cruncher          Fireclaw         Kieran

     > cwho dchat@discworld
     On channel DCHAT on Discworld
     Oaf         Dreamweaver  Aeson

     channels, chistory, communicating, finger, ltells, mudinfo, mudlist
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