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* Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Information: Hiscore

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commands/information/hiscore  Nanvaent Player Help

     hiscore - read Nanvaent High Score tables

     hiscore [ <guild_name> ] [ subguilds ] [ xp | level | qp ]

     To use the "hiscore" you have to go to the Nanvaent Immigration
     Office, or your own guild room, where a High Score table can be
     found. Once you are there use "hiscore" to view the table.

     There are different ways of viewing the High Score table. You can look
     at the default, which is of the highest scorers over all. There are
     also options to look at the high scores by guild and subguilds (see
     examples below).

     The table shows the 15 highest scorers in Nanvaent history at the
     moment based upon total experience (xp). You can view this information
     sorted by who has the most xp, the highest level or by number of quest

     "hiscore" can only be used at the location of a high score

     (These examples have been shortened.)

     > hiscore adventurer
                   Adventurer Guild Master is Noone

     Pos Name         Race       Level   Total XP   Qps  Deaths  Age
     1  Sunder        Grey wolf    5      216,504    95    0  0 seconds
     2  Alanielle     Giant       11      177,913    20    0  0 seconds
     3  Snarl         Grey wolf   10      165,533    10    1  0 seconds
     4  Popcorn       Giant       11      132,654    10    0  0 seconds
     5  Looonestar    Grey wolf    7      124,393   190    0  0 seconds

     > hiscore wizard subguilds
                       Wizards Guild and its Sub Guilds

     Pos Name      Guild       Race    Level   Total XP  Qps Deaths Age
      1 Smeagal    Wizard      Liche    216  74,698,140  2800  11   57 days
      2 Torquemada Necromancer Liche    191  65,045,733  2820  21   45 days
      3 Ramuh      Elemental   Dark elf 183  49,183,515  2450  14   16 days
      4 Thorondor  Wizard      Pegasus  133  47,636,634  2115  44   62 days
      5 Thicko     Elemental   Wood elf 170  42,908,601  2540  16   22 days

     addicts, guilds, level, quest, xp
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