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Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Location: Examine
Please email any further questions to help@nanvaent.org. You may also wish to have a look at the FAQ.
commands/location/examine Nanvaent Player Help
examine - look at something
ex <object(s)>
exa <object(s)>
exam <objects(s)>
examine <object(s)>
This command allows you to look at object. You can look at several
objects at the same time using the ',' or 'and' separator.
Sometimes you may not be able to see anything due to factors such as
magic spells, your race, the time of day, the type of location and
items you are carrying. You will normally get the message "It's too
dark." or "It's too dark, you cannot see a thing."
> examine torch
The torch is a rather heavy lump of wood that has been soaked in oil
so that it will burn. It is completely burnt out.
> examine jewel, money
The money is stamped with the crest of Nanvaent. You can vaguely make
out the tiny heads of the Gods; Wise Aragorn, Noble Edacom, and Good
Ole Bill...
Miniscule letters around the edge spells out the ancient motto "All
Nanvaent Journeys Onwards Undaunted".
A milky, white jewel filled with a warm light. Its radiance fills the
room, spreading a gentle warmth.
brief, get, glance, look, search, syntax, verbose