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Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Personal: Consent
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commands/personal/consent Nanvaent Player Help
consent - allow someone to use restricted souls on you, allow clerics
to 'raise' you from the dead, or allow someone to start
following you
consent <player> { everything | <soul> | default | follow | raise }
consent list
Nanvaent has many restricted souls such as "spank" and "lick". If you
wish to give someone the ability to use them on you, simply "consent"
them. Do to their very nature people aren't allowed to use
restricted souls unless you give them "consent", and at any time you
can "deny" them.
To allow someone to follow you, enter "consent <player> follow".
Clerics can be given permission to 'raise' your ghost back to life
using "consent <player> raise".
At any time you can "consent <player> default" to return the default
restrictions on people.
The defaults are:
souls - Players cannot use restricted souls on you
follow - Players cannot follow you ** See CAVEATS
raise - Clerics cannot raise your ghost back to life ** See
Finally, you can 'list' the current restrictions that you have set.
If you "consent <player> everything" then this gives them permission
to use all restricted souls. It does not give 'follow' or 'raise';
you will have to do these manually.
Using "consent <player> default" does not remove 'follow' or 'raise'
permission. Again, you have to do these manually.
> consent bob spank
You have given Bob consent to use spank.
> consent bob follow
Bob added to follow consent list.
> consent panda raise
Panda added to raise consent list
> consent elfie everything
You have given elfie carte blanche.
> consent list
You have given Elfie consent for everything.
You have given Bob consent for spank.
Consent list for raise: Panda.
Consent list for follow: Bob.
deny, earmuffs, follow, souls