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* Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Personal: Hardcore

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commands/personal/hardcore   Nanvaent Player Help

     hardcore - become hardcore


     For the truly great (read: bored) addict, it's time to prove just how
     good you are. Create a new character and immediately enter "hardcore".

     You'll only get one life and clerics won't be able to give you more,
     so die and it's game-over!

     There may still be ways of getting lives in the game that haven't been
     prevented. It's up to you to discover them...

     > score
     You are in perfect health and totally exhausted.
     0(50) social points and 0(2820) quest points.
     Your current experience is 0, and you have earned 0 xps in total. You
     have died 0 times. You can die 9 more times before you are completely
     You are 0 seconds old.
     You are in brave mode.
     > hardcore

     This will turn you into a hardcore player. This means you cannot gain
     any more lives and you will only have 1 life.
     Potential Necromancers need not apply...

     Are you sure that this is what you want?
     Please confirm (enter yes or no): yes

     Are you really sure?
     This action cannot be undone (enter yes or no): yes

     Okay, hardcore conversion starting.
     > score
     You are in perfect health and full of energy.
     50(50) social points and 0(2820) quest points.
     Your current experience is 0, and you have earned 0 xps in total. You
     have died 0 times. You can die 0 more times before you are completely
     You are 0 seconds old.
     You are in brave mode.

     addicts, death, guildmaster, legends, level info
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