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Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Personal: Monitor
Please email any further questions to help@nanvaent.org. You may also wish to have a look at the FAQ.
commands/personal/monitor Nanvaent Player Help
monitor - turns your hit point monitor on or off and modifies the
display format.
mon [ on | off | text | bars ]
monitor [ on | off | text | bars ]
Using "monitor" allows you to turn your hit-point monitor on or off.
When you are in combat with your hit point monitor on you will get
status information about your current hit and guild points every
If you use "monitor" by itself, your hit point monitor will switch
itself on and off. You can also specify 'on' and 'off' explicitly.
If you specify 'text' or 'bars' you will change the format to be
either a textual description or graphical bars respectively.
> monitor off
Your hit point monitor is off.
Reprusu Elcnu treads on you.
Reprusu Elcnu smacks you.
Your wild punch misses Reprusu Elcnu by a wide margin.
Reprusu Elcnu kicks you hard.
> monitor
Your hit point monitor is on and using text.
Reprusu Elcnu treads on you.
Reprusu Elcnu smacks you.
Your wild punch misses Reprusu Elcnu by a wide margin.
You are in perfect health and full of energy.
Reprusu Elcnu kicks you hard.
> monitor bars
Your hit point monitor is on and using bars.
Reprusu Elcnu treads on you.
Reprusu Elcnu smacks you.
Your wild punch misses Reprusu Elcnu by a wide margin.
Health [===============] Energy {***************}
Reprusu Elcnu kicks you hard.