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* Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Personal: Screendetect

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commands/personal/screendetect  Nanvaent Player Help

     screendetect - view/set current screen size detection type

     screendetect [ on | off ]

     This command allows you to view or set whether Nanvaent autodetects
     your screen size or not. If you enter "screendetect" by itself it will
     show your whether it is enabled or disabled.

     If you turn screen detect off then you will have to set a valid screen
     size using the "cols" and "rows" commands. If you plan on using either
     of these two commands then you should turn screen detect off.

     If your screen size cannot be autodetected then the previous screen
     size you had will be used.

     If a screen size is detected, then that one will be used in the
     future, until either a different one is detected, or you change the
     screen size.

     cols, rows, term, termdetect
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