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* Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Personal: Term

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commands/personal/term       Nanvaent Player Help

     term - view or set current terminal type

     term [ <term_type> ]

     This command allows you to view or set your current terminal type.
     If you specify a terminal type then it will become your current
     setting. If you use "term" by itself your current terminal type will
     be shown.

     Your terminal type can be autodetected depending on your "termdetect"
     setting. This will be based upon information provided by your client.

     The capabilities of the different term types greatly differ. The
     'dumb' term type is used for terminals that do not conform to any of
     the term types available. The 'ansi' term type provides colour, whilst
     the 'vt100' and 'xterm' term types provide bold. The 'www' term type
     is not intended for players but is used by the WWW daemon. It looks
     pretty funky though :)

     cols, rows, screendetect, termdetect
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