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Nanvaent help directory: Commands: Personal: Wimpy
Please email any further questions to help@nanvaent.org. You may also wish to have a look at the FAQ.
commands/personal/wimpy Nanvaent Player Help
wimpy - automatically run away when your hit points reach a certain
limit during a fight
wimpy <number in range 0-50>
The wimpy command can be used to set a percentage of your hit points
after which, should you fall below it, you will automatically run
away from a fight. If you have set the number to zero (default) you
are in 'brave mode' and won't run away at all.
You can use "score" to see your current "wimpy" setting.
The experience points you receive for doing damage to something will
be lower the higher you set your wimpy.
You can only change your wimpy every 15 minutes.
> wimpy 25
You are in wimpy mode, you will run away at 25% of your max hps.
> score
You are in perfect health and full of energy.
1168(1168) social points and 1260(2800) quest points.
Your current experience is 5003, and you have earned 9036332 xps in
total. You have died 4 times. You can die 5 more times before you are
completely dead.
You are 11 days, 18 hours, 50 minutes and 40 seconds old.
Wimpy set to 25%
> wimpy 0
You are in brave mode.
combat, kill