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Nanvaent help directory: Guild_info: Nthydarak
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Nthydarak/info Nanvaent Player Help
N'thydarak is the guild of Clerics who have turned from the righteous path
of Aslonnadh and become acolytes of the blood god N'thydarak. The Curse and
Reward of N'thydarak's disciples is the dagger of N'thydarak, which
increases in power as it extinguishes life. The evil lord N'thydarak
requires frequent sacrifices of pawns in the thrall of believers and rewards
acolytes sacrificing worthy lives with increased power. Each power provides
new means to aid acolytes in their crusade to inflict suffering and death on
all around them.
Level 20-30 Cleric, Alignment Utter Evil
Not including race bonus: Str 14, Int 13, Dex 12, Con 10, Wis 16
Banshee, calacorm, dark elf, giant, gnome, goblin, half-orc, hobgoblin,
human, kobold, liche, minotaur, morokai, ogre, orc, reptiliad, skaven,
slann, troll, wight