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* Ent

Ents are large, slowly moving creatures that bear a strong resemblance to trees. Their origin is unclear, but the race has been in this world for longer than anyone can imagine. Ents are known for being wise and just, and for their exceptionally long lifespan. This is partly due to their slow and deliberate, cautious nature, and their proliferance in the Clerical healing professions. These treemen also have an extremely thick, bark-like skin that provides them with good protection from blunt attacks, but makes them very vulnerable to fire. Ents can not wield any weapons.

Valid Guilds: Cleric, Thief, Wizard and Fighter

Strength: Good
Dexterity: Terrible
Intelligence: Below Average
Wisdom: Excellent
Constitution: Very Good
Vision: Good
Av. Height: 205 cm
Av. Weight: 126 kg
Alignment: Neutral
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