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Races/guild compatibility chart
Race statistics
* Troll

Trolls are huge creatures, a foot taller on average than humans, and very heavily built. Their strength and brutality are legendary, and their omnivorous diet, which includes the flesh of other races when they can get it, has earned them few friends. Most trolls have hard, thick skins, some say made of stone. They are also bald, including the females, and tend to have small intellects and aggressive tempraments. The major weakness of a troll is its sensitivity to sunlight, and many trolls hide underground during daylight hours.

Valid Guilds: Necromancer, Cleric, Thief, Wizard, Fighter and Barbarian

Strength: Excellent
Dexterity: Below Average
Intelligence: Poor
Wisdom: Terrible
Constitution: Very Good
Vision: Good
Av. Height: 200 cm
Av. Weight: 135 kg
Alignment: Neutral
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