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* Nanvaent people:

Players! Where would a game be without players? Nanvaent players come in many flavours - the roleplayer (not seen frequently, but rumoured to exist), the xp-freak (every second a mad dash for more points), the socialite (commonly found in the the centre of the village), the idler (similar to the socialite, but less audible) and finally a mention for the pk-er (one to watch out for!)

This is a list of the Nanvaent players that currently have homepages. There are, of course, many more players and if you are a player who would like to make some information about yourself available to the rest of the world, you can mail if you'd like to create a page.

Alexandria Andyyy
Astra Darktrick
Elastica Emjay
Faramir Foxer
Goldilocks Heather
Jumpy Leeloo
Mannawyddan Morningstar
Mort Picard
Pluisje Ragnar
Ranma Scifaro
Siouxsie Vampira
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