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* Elementals

Click here to read the Elemental noticeboard.

General Information:
There comes a point in every wizard's life when they discover that there is more to life than reading books and playing with scrolls. You soon find that inner spark and without warning you are enveloped in a raging torrent of flames.

Nothing compares to the power of the elements. While wizards stand there throwing weak fireballs around, we become fire and channel it towards our enemies, charring them instantly! We bend the clouds to our will and shoot bolts of lightning at anything that moves. The earth trembles beneath our feet, and the seas part before us.

This is not without risk, since losing control means you lose more than your head!

Without any effort we elementalists soak cash up from the many corpses of the weak. Don't get too excited though, since we spend most of it on replacement bodies!

Some call us mad? Pah! What do they know? Join now and become a master of the universe!

Skills you would do well to advance include:
  • magic.spells.offensive
  • magic.spells.defensive
  • magic.spells.area
  • fighting.points
Races available to an Elemental:

Cast Recharge
Incantations Snowball
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