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* Fighter commands: judge

Just inherit a new weapon from your latest unlucky opponent, and want to know if it's better than what you have? Or perhaps they were kind enough to leave you nice looking armour? Judge it to see whether it's worth keeping. This command can be used in two ways: firstly judging a single item gives you a rough guide to its worth, secondly, judging two items gives a comparison of the two. Note that your judgement reflects your own ability to use the weapon/armour and may not necessarily be the same for a friend who is more or less skillful than you.

Usage: judge <item> [against <item>]
> judge hand axe
> judge hand axe against staff
Skills used: other.evaluating
Minimum level: none
Cost: none

Assail Fix
Attack Judge
Bash Parry
Boast Resize
Chest Swipe
Concentrate Temper
Defend Ug
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