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A note about Elections
Further guild info
* Forester commands: gather

Search about in an outside location to find the woodland herbs that will help you to recover. Your chance of success depends on your ability to distinguish herbs from other plants, which is determined by skills in other.evaluating.

There are several special herbs that can be found in certain places. Herbs can be gathered that will heal pox, rabies, lycanthropy and malaria but you may have to explore to find them.

Usage: gather herbs
> gather herbs
> You rummage around, peering carefully at
  the vegetation, trying to find some useful 
Skills used: other.evaluating
Minimum level: 30
Cost: 500 guild points

Abandon Practice
Build Pray
Bundle Prayers
Call Recite
Chop Release
Creep Rest
Fire Sanctify
Forge Sneak
Gather Thump
Gaze Torch
Hide Wood
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