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Races/guild compatibility chart
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A note about Elections
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* Cleric commands: release

If you keep on meditating on prayers your head will eventually become so full that you cannot fit another one in. If you desperately need to recite a prayer that you haven't meditated upon you, then you can "release" another one to make room.

Usage: release <prayer name> [ <target> ]
> prayers
> You have meditated on the following prayers:
  minor blessing (x1)
  You may meditate on the following guild prayers:
  minor blessing      prayer of cure light wounds
  You may meditate on another 285 gp's worth of 

> release minor blessing
> You release minor blessing.

> prayers
> You have not meditated on any prayers.
  You may meditate on the following guild prayers:
  minor blessing      prayer of cure light wounds
  You may meditate on another 290 gp's worth of 
See also: bury, meditate, prayers, recite

Bury Prayers
Lookup Recite
Meditate Release
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